Monday, January 31, 2011

sclet letter symbols

Three symbols in the scarlet letter
One symbol in The Scarlet Letter is the actual letter “A” that Hester has to wlk around with. Is symbolizes her infidelity and dishonesty. It works as a symbol of shame in societies eyes, and lowers her sef\lf esteem. Because Hestser was forced to where a letter “A”, which stood for adulterer, everyday on her clothes she withdrew from society and becamevery independent.  People from her town refused to come in contact with someone, especially a female who was capable of having an affair however this letter became part of her identity and because of this she began to where it with pride.her attitude towards it soon changed her definition of the “A” from “adulterer” to “able”. This shift pointed out to the readers Hesters’ strength as  female, a mother and as a townsman who had all the townsmen turn against her.
Another symbol in this book is Pearls name. A pearl is supposed to be somtthing precious, beautiful and valuable, however Pearl is the result of an affair, something dishonest, wrong and everything but beautiful.  Not only is pearls name sylmbolic but so is her character. Through the eyes of society Pearl is the result of a sexual sin, so she is not excepted just as well as Hester isn’t, the person who committed the sin however Pearl gives her mothera reason of existence. Pearl soon becomes everything Hester has once she becomes isolated from society and is the primary source of Hesters strength.

 More symbols in this book are all the events that happen in sunlight and in the dark at night. En example of what happens in the sunlightis when Hester was given her scarlet letter, the ceremony was during the day when everyone can see and where everyone was invited to. After this ceremony the whole town saw her as some type of barbaric creature they couldn’t come in contact with. She become known as an adulterer. Then there is the sscene where dimsdale stands up on stage with Hester and Pearl to admit to it but its at night where no one is and when no one can see. Dimsdale keeps his infidelity with Hester a secret for as long as possible.